The Veps language (vepsän kel’) is a Finnic language spoken by the Vepsians in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. It is currently written using a Latin-based alphabet, though a Cyrillic-based alphabet was used in the past. The Veps language is closely related to Finnish, and the two share a significant amount of vocabulary. However, the grammar of Veps is significantly different from Finnish, and the two languages are not mutually intelligible. Veps has been described as a "difficult" language for foreigners to learn, due to its complex grammar and lack of common words with other languages. However, Vepsians are said to be very hospitable and willing to help people who are trying to learn their language. There are an estimated 10,000-15,000 speakers of Veps worldwide. The vast majority of Vepsians live in the Republic of Karelia, where the language is official, though there are also small communities of Vepsians in Finland, Estonia, and Sweden. The Veps language is endangered, as many Vepsians are shifting to Russian or Finnish in order to obtain more opportunities in education and employment. However, there are efforts being made to revitalize the language, such as the creation of a Veps-language television channel and the establishment of a chair of Veps studies at Petrozavodsk State University.

Language group

Finno-Ugrian languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Veps, Russia, Latin
Veps, Latin