

Blissymbols is a system of ideographic symbols, originally developed by Charles K. Bliss in the 1930s as a way to represent the whole of human thought in a single, universal language. The symbols were designed to be used in conjunction with one another to create symbols that represent concepts, rather than words. Blissymbols were originally designed to be used as a written language, but they can also be used to communicate through speech and sign language. The symbols are composed of basic geometric shapes, which can be combined to create more complex symbols. The shapes are meant to be intuitive, and the overall system is designed to be easy to learn. There are currently around 3000 Blissymbols in existence, and the system is used by people all over the world. Blissym has been used to create books, educational materials, and even art. It is a versatile and powerful system that has the potential to change the way we communicate.

Language group

Artificial languages

Language locales, regions and scripts
