

Javanese is the language of the Javanese people from the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, in Indonesia. It is the native language of more than 75 million people (most of whom live on Java), and is one of the most widely spoken Austronesian languages. Javanese is a member of the Austronesian family, which includes languages such as Malay, Hawaiian, and Maori. Javanese has been influenced by a number of languages, including Sanskrit, Arabic, and Chinese. The Javanese alphabet is derived from the Sanskrit alphabet, and Javanese has many loanwords from Sanskrit and other languages. Javanese is also spoken in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and Suriname. Javanese is a complex language, with a rich literary tradition. Javanese literature includes the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Panji cycle of tales. Javanese poetry is often based on the pantun, a type of verse form. Javanese is written in a Latin-based alphabet, as well as in an older Javanese script. The Javanese script is used for ceremonial purposes, such as in wedding invitations. Javanese is a tonal language, with two different registers, high and low. Javanese also has a number of dialects, which can be divided into three groups: Central Javanese, West Javanese, and East Javanese. Central Javanese is the standard dialect, and is spoken in Surakarta and Yogyakarta. West Javanese is spoken in the provinces of West Java and Banten. East Javanese is spoken in the eastern part of Java, including the city of Malang. Javanese is a beautiful and complex language with a long literary tradition. If you're interested in learning Javanese, there are a number of resources available, including online courses and textbooks.

Language group

Western Malayo-Polynesian languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Javanese, Indonesia, Latin
Javanese, Indonesia, Javanese
Javanese, Indonesia
Javanese, Latin
Javanese, Javanese