Manx (Manx: Gaelg or Gailck, pronounced [ɡilɡ] or [ɡailɡ]) is a Goidelic language of the Celtic language family, itself a branch of the Indo-European language family. The last surviving native speaker of Manx, Ned Maddrell, died in 1974. The earliest form of Manx was brought to the Isle of Man from Ireland by settlers during the Middle Ages. The language has traditionally been spoken by the Manx people, and is closely related to Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Manx has been the subject of language revival efforts, and is now considered to be "critically endangered". Nevertheless, there are a number of Manx speakers on the island, as well as a few thousand people who are able to understand the language. Manx has a distinctive grammatical structure, and is known for its use of the Celticprefixes mac- and nic- (meaning "son of" and "daughter of", respectively). These prefixes are used in a number of ways, including to indicate familial relationships, as well as to create place names. Manx has a rich oral tradition, and has been used in a number of Manx folk songs and ballads. The Manx national anthem, "Mannin Veen", is sung in Manx. The Manx language is currently taught in a number of schools on the Isle of Man. There is also a Manx-language newspaper, the Manx Independent, and a Manx-language radio station, Radio Manx.

Language group

Celtic languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Manx, Isle of Man, Latin
Manx, Isle of Man
Manx, Latin