
Swampy Cree

Swampy Cree is an Algonquian language spoken by the Swampy Cree First Nation in northeastern Manitoba, Canada. It is closely related to other Cree dialects, but has some unique features. The Swampy Cree language is spoken by about 4,000 people, most of whom live in the First Nation communities of Norway House and Cross Lake. It is also spoken by some people in the city of Winnipeg. Swampy Cree is a member of the Algonquian language family, which also includes languages like Ojibwe and Blackfoot. Within the Algonquian family, Swampy Cree is most closely related to other Cree dialects, such as Woods Cree and Plains Cree. Swampy Cree has a number of unique features that set it apart from other Cree dialects. For example, it has a large number of consonants, as well as a complex system of vowel harmony. Swampy Cree is also unique in that it is one of the few Algonquian languages to have undergone a process called lexicalization, in which words are borrowed from other languages and integrated into the Swampy Cree vocabulary. This has resulted in a number of English words being used in Swampy Cree, such as "television" and "computer". Despite its unique features, Swampy Cree is in danger of disappearing. A recent survey found that only about half of the people who speak Swampy Cree are fluent in the language. This is due in part to the fact that many Swampy Cree speakers are also fluent in English, and tend to use English more often than Swampy Cree. There is also a lack of resources for Swampy Cree speakers, as there are no Swampy Cree language schools, and few Swampy Cree language materials are available. The Swampy Cree Language Preservation Society is working to preserve the language by producing Swampy Cree language materials, and offering Swampy Cree language classes.

Language group

Algonquian languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Swampy Cree
Swampy Cree, Canada, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
Swampy Cree, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics