

Bulgarian is a Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria. It is the official language of the country and is also spoken in some parts of Greece, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Bulgarian is closely related to Macedonian and is also considered a South Slavic language. Bulgarian is an Indo-European language and belongs to the Slavic branch of the family. It is written in the Cyrillic alphabet and has about 9 million speakers worldwide. The earliest Bulgarian texts date back to the 9th century and the oldest manuscript is the Glagolitic Gospel of the 10th century. The first book printed in Bulgarian was the Tetraevangelia of the Bulgarian Patriarch Theophilact of Bulgaria in 1693. Bulgarian is a highly inflected language with a rich vocabulary. It has three grammatical genders and two numbers. verbs are conjugated according to person, number, and tense. Bulgarian is a pro-drop language, which means that the subject of a sentence is often omitted because it can be understood from the context. The word order in Bulgarian is generally Subject-Verb-Object, but it is also flexible and depends on the focus of the sentence. Bulgarian has two main dialects – the Eastern and the Western. The Eastern dialect is closer to Russian and the Western dialect is closer to Serbian. Bulgarian is a Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria. It is the official language of the country and is also spoken in some parts of Greece, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Bulgarian is closely related to Macedonian and is also considered a South Slavic language. Bulgarian is an Indo-European language and belongs to the Slavic branch of the family. It is written in the Cyrillic alphabet and has about 9 million speakers worldwide. The earliest Bulgarian texts date back to the 9th century and the oldest manuscript is the Glagolitic Gospel of the 10th century. The first book printed in Bulgarian was the Tetraevangelia of the Bulgarian Patriarch Theophilact of Bulgaria in 1693. Bulgarian is a highly inflected language with a rich vocabulary. It has three grammatical genders and two numbers. verbs are conjugated according to person, number, and tense. Bulgarian is a pro-drop language, which means that the subject of a sentence is often omitted because it can be understood from the context. The word order in Bulgarian is generally Subject-Verb-Object, but it is also flexible and depends on the focus of the sentence. Bulgarian has two main dialects – the Eastern and the Western. The Eastern dialect is closer to Russian and the Western dialect is closer to Serbian.

Language group

South Slavic languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Bulgarian, Bulgaria, Cyrillic
Bulgarian, Romania, Cyrillic
Bulgarian, Bulgaria
Bulgarian, Cyrillic