
Tai Le

Tai Le is written using the Latin alphabet, which is made up of twenty-six letters. There are no special characters or punctuation marks. The language is tonal, which means that the pitch of a word can change its meaning. For example, the word ma can mean either 'mother' or 'horse', depending on the tone used. There are four tones in Tai Le: high, rising, low, and falling. A word can have more than one meaning, depending on the tone used. For example, the word ma can mean either 'mother' or 'horse', depending on the tone used. To write Tai Le, simply write out the words using the Latin alphabet. There is no need to use any special characters or punctuation marks. Just write the words as you would say them. Tai Le is a tonal language, which means that the pitch of a word can change its meaning. For example, the word ma can mean either 'mother' or 'horse', depending on the tone used. There are four tones in Tai Le: high, rising, low, and falling. A word can have more than one meaning, depending on the tone used. To write Tai Le, simply write out the words using the Latin alphabet. There is no need to use any special characters or punctuation marks. Just write the words as you would say them.

Script type

Alphasyllabic scripts

Script origin

Script code
Numeric code