RSL is a powerful, yet easy to learn, programming language that is perfect for those new to coding as well as experienced developers. Created by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka, RSL is a free software environment that allows users to create statistical software and data analysis. RSL is available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. One of the great things about RSL is that it is designed to be highly extensible. This means that users can easily add their own functions and packages to the language. This makes RSL perfect for those who want to create their own custom applications or for those who want to contribute to the language itself. RSL is also known for its excellent graphics capabilities. This makes it perfect for creating data visualisations or for creating reports. RSL also has a wide range of statistical and mathematical functions that make it perfect for data analysis. Overall, RSL is a great choice for those who want a powerful and extensible programming language that is easy to learn and use.