A+ is a high level programming language created by Arthur Whitney and Roger Hui at Morgan Stanley in 1985. It is a dialect of APL (also created by Whitney) and includes many of the same symbols and characters. A+ is designed for scientific and financial computing. It is a vector language, meaning that operations are performed on entire arrays or vectors of data, rather than on individual elements. This makes it well suited for tasks like statistical analysis and matrix manipulation. A+ programs are typically written in a very terse, symbolic style. This can make them difficult to read and understand, but also allows for very compact code. A+ has been used in a variety of fields, including finance, engineering, and medicine. It has also been used to create art, including music and visual art. Despite its power and flexibility, A+ has a relatively small community of users and developers. This is partly due to the language's steep learning curve and partly due to the fact that it is not as widely taught as other languages.