
Cypher Query Language

Cypher is a powerful query language for Neo4j, the world’s leading graph database. Cypher is inspired by SQL, but it’s much more powerful and expressive. With Cypher, you can query and update your data, and create and delete nodes and relationships. Cypher is easy to learn, and it’s easy to read and write. Cypher is declarative, meaning that you describe what you want to do, and the database figures out how to do it. Cypher is also highly extensible. You can write your own functions, and use them in your queries. You can also write your own Cypher plugins to add new features to the language. If you’re new to Cypher, the best place to start is the Neo4j Cypher Manual. It’s a comprehensive guide to the language, with lots of examples. Cypher is a great choice for any project that needs a flexible, expressive query language. And with the Neo4j graph database, you have the perfect tool for working with data that’s connected in complex ways.