
Chimborazo Highland Quichua

Chimborazo Highland Quichua is a variety of the Quechua language spoken in the Chimborazo Province of Ecuador. It is one of the Quechua II languages, which are distinguished from Quechua I languages by their use of the u-vocalism and lack of vowel harmony. Chimborazo Highland Quichua is spoken by around 15,000 people, most of whom live in the Chimborazo Province. The language is also known as Imbabura Quichua, after the province in which it is spoken. The Quichua people have a long history in the Chimborazo Province, and the language has been passed down through the generations. However, the use of Chimborazo Highland Quichua has declined in recent years, as more people have started to use Spanish as their first language. There is a growing movement to revive the use of Chimborazo Highland Quichua, and to promote it as a living language. Efforts are being made to create teaching materials and to promote the use of the language in the media. The future of Chimborazo Highland Quichua is uncertain, but there is hope that it will survive and thrive in the 21st century.

Language locales, regions and scripts

Chimborazo Highland Quichua
Chimborazo Highland Quichua, Ecuador, Latin
Chimborazo Highland Quichua, Latin