

The Avaric language is a member of the East Caucasian language family. It is spoken by the Avar people, who live in the southern Caucasus Mountains in Russia and Dagestan. The Avaric language is closely related to the Lezgian language, and both are considered to be dialects of the same language. The Avaric language has three dialects: Andalal, Botlikh, and Tindi. Andalal is the dialect spoken in the village of Andalal in Dagestan. Botlikh is spoken in the villages of Botlikh, Khunzakh, and Khushtada in Dagestan. Tindi is spoken in the village of Tindi in Dagestan. The Avaric language is written in the Cyrillic script. The Avar alphabet consists of 33 letters. The Avaric language is a endangered language. According to the 2010 census, there are only about 1,000 speakers of Avaric.

Language group

Caucasian languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Avaric, Russia, Cyrillic
Avaric, Cyrillic
Avaric, Russia