

Chipewyan, also known as Dene Dindjie, is a Dene language spoken by the Chipewyan people in northwestern Canada. It is closely related to other Dene languages, such as Athabaskan and Tutchone. Chipewyan has two main dialects: Northern and Southern. The Northern dialect is spoken in the Northwest Territories, while the Southern dialect is spoken in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Chipewyan is an endangered language, with only about 1,000 speakers remaining. It is estimated that only about half of these speakers are fully fluent. The majority of Chipewyan speakers are middle-aged or older, and the language is not being passed down to younger generations. There are several reasons for this decline. One is the general trend of language loss in Canada, as English and French are the dominant languages. Chipewyan is also a largely oral language, with few written materials available. This means that it is not being used in formal settings, such as schools or workplaces. In recent years, there has been some effort to revive the Chipewyan language. A dictionary and grammar have been published, and there are now some Chipewyan language classes available. However, the future of the language remains uncertain.

Language group

Athapascan languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Chipewyan, Canada, Latin
Chipewyan, Latin
Chipewyan, Canada, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
Chipewyan, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
Chipewyan, Canada