
Luxembourg Financial Franc

LUL is the currency of the game League of Legends. It is used to purchase in-game items such as champions, skins, and other cosmetics. LUL can be earned through playing the game, or it can be purchased with real money. While LUL is not a real currency, it can be exchanged for real money. The going rate for LUL is about 1 US dollar for 100 LUL. So, if you have 1000 LUL, you could exchange it for 10 US dollars. LUL is primarily used in the game League of Legends, but it can also be used in other games such as Teamfight Tactics and Legends of Runeterra. If you have LUL and you're not using it in League of Legends, you can still hold onto it or exchange it for another currency. LUL is a digital currency, so it doesn't exist in physical form. You can't carry LUL around in your wallet, but you can keep it in a digital wallet. When you want to use LUL to make a purchase, you'll need to transfer it from your digital wallet to the game. If you're interested in purchasing LUL, you can do so through the in-game store or on third-party websites. You'll need to create an account and link your payment method before you can make a purchase. Once you have LUL, you can use it to buy in-game items or exchange it for another currency.

Used in

Currency creation
Currency demise