Subtext is a programming language created by Microsoft Research in 2006. It is based on the C# language and adds several features designed to make it easier to create and understand programs. Subtext programs are compiled to .NET assemblies, which can be executed on any .NET platform. Subtext programs are organized into "units", which are similar to classes in other languages. A unit can contain code, data, and other units. Units can be compiled separately and then linked together to create a complete program. Subtext includes several features that make it easier to write and understand code. For example, Subtext programs can be written in a "linear" style, which is similar to the way code is written in C#. This makes it easier to read and understand Subtext code. In addition, Subtext provides several tools that can help developers find and fix errors in their programs. Subtext is still under development, and Microsoft has not yet released a full version of the language. However, the language has been used to write several programs, including a web browser and a text editor.