Newspeak is a fictional language in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. It is a controlled language created by the Ingsoc government to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that could lead to rebellion. Newspeak is closely based on English, but has a greatly reduced vocabulary. Even thinking rebellious thoughts is impossible in Newspeak, because there are no words for them. The purpose of Newspeak is twofold. First, it eliminates all words related to rebellion and concepts that could lead to it. This is done by reducing the number of words available, and by making sure that the remaining words have only one meaning, which is the meaning the government wants. Second, it makes rebellion impossible by making it impossible to even think rebellious thoughts. This is done by removing all words that have more than one meaning, and by making sure that the remaining words have only one meaning, which is the meaning the government wants. The government achieves these goals by controlling the language itself. They decide which words are allowed, and which are not. They also decide what the remaining words will mean. Newspeak is not a natural language that has developed over time. It is a constructed language, created by the government for the specific purpose of controlling the thoughts of its citizens. The use of Newspeak is not limited to the government. Any organization or group that wants to control the thoughts of its members can do so by creating its own Newspeak. This has been done by cults, religious groups, and political parties. It is also possible for an individual to create his or her own Newspeak, in order to control his or her own thoughts. The effects of Newspeak on individuals are not fully known, but it is clear that it can have a profound effect on the way people think. It is possible that, over time, the use of Newspeak will lead to a decrease in the ability of people to think critically, and to think for themselves.