
US Dollar (Same day)

USS is a digital currency created by the United States Mint in April 2021. It is intended to be used as a circulating medium of exchange within the United States economy. As of May 2021, one USS is worth approximately $0.01 USD. USS is different from other digital currencies in a few key ways. First, it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. This means that, unlike Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, USS cannot be subject to wild swings in value due to speculation or other factors. Second, USS is designed to be easy to use and accept. Businesses and individuals will be able to transact using USS just as they would with any other currency. Finally, USS will be available in both physical and digital form, making it accessible to everyone. The launch of USS is a major step forward for the United States in the global digital currency race. With its stability and ease of use, USS has the potential to become the dominant digital currency in the world.

Currency demise