

Rongorongo is a writing system used on Easter Island. It is one of the world's few writing systems that is not based on an alphabet or syllabary, and is possibly the only one that is logographic. The system is known from a total of twenty-three wooden tablets, all but two of which are kept in European museums. The rongorongo texts are not comprehensible without extensive study. Although some calendrical and genealogical information has been deciphered, the function of most texts is unknown. Rongorongo is one of the world's most mysterious writing systems. It was used on Easter Island, one of the most isolated places on earth. The system is not based on an alphabet or syllabary, and is possibly the only one that is logographic. There are only twenty-three known examples of rongorongo texts, all but two of which are kept in European museums. The texts are not comprehensible without extensive study. Although some calendrical and genealogical information has been deciphered, the function of most texts is unknown. Rongorongo is an important key to understanding the history of Easter Island. It is a unique and fascinating writing system that deserves further study.

Script type

Undeciphered scripts

Script code
Numeric code