XPL0 is a structured, high-level programming language designed for ease of use, portability, and efficiency. It has been implemented on a variety of platforms, including CP/M, MS-DOS, Unix, and the Macintosh. XPL0 was developed in the mid-1970s at the University of California, Berkeley, by Larry Tesler and Norman Meyrowitz. Its syntax is based on Pascal, but it has many features that are more commonly associated with Lisp or APL. XPL0 programs are structured as a sequence of declarations and procedures. A procedure can be either a function or a subroutine. Functions return a value, while subroutines do not. XPL0 has a rich set of data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, strings, arrays, and records. It also supports user-defined types. XPL0 is statically typed, meaning that all variables must be declared before they can be used. This allows the compiler to check for type errors and to generate more efficient code. XPL0 is an interpreted language, which means that programs are not compiled into machine code, but are instead executed by a program that reads and executes the XPL0 code. This has the advantage of making XPL0 programs portable, but the disadvantage of being slower than compiled languages. XPL0 includes a large standard library of procedures, which can be used to create graphical user interfaces, perform mathematical computations, manipulate strings, and much more.