Chapel is a parallel programming language developed by Cray Inc. It is designed to make scientific and technical computing more productive by enabling a programmer to express parallelism in a high-level, abstract way. Chapel has been under development since early 2009 and is open source software released under the Apache License. The Chapel programming language is designed to address the needs of scientific and technical computing while also being applicable to a wide range of other domains. Chapel's design is based on a set of guiding principles intended to make Chapel: * Productive: Chapel is meant to be a language in which a programmer can express parallelism in a high-level, abstract way that is close to the natural way in which the problem is thought about. * Extensible: Chapel is designed to be easily extended with new language features and libraries. * Portable: Chapel is designed to be portable across a wide variety of architectures. * Scalable: Chapel is designed to be scalable from tiny embedded systems to the largest supercomputers. The Chapel programming language has been under development since early 2009 by a team at Cray Inc. Chapel is open source software released under the Apache License.