Orwell is a programming language that was created with the goal of making it easy to write programs that produce clear and consistent output. It is based on the idea of "oracle machines", which are theoretical models of computation that can be used to solve problems in a variety of ways. Orwell was designed by a team of researchers at the University of Edinburgh, and is named after the British writer George Orwell. The language is open source and available for anyone to use. Orwell is a statically typed, functional programming language that supports type inference. It has a simple syntax that is inspired by the ML family of languages. The core philosophy of Orwell is that programs should be easy to read and understand. This is achieved by having a small set of features, and by making sure that the semantics of the language are clear. One of the key features of Orwell is that it is easy to write programs that generate consistent output. This is because the language has a strong type system, which ensures that values can only be of certain types. This means that if a program is written correctly, it is less likely to produce unexpected results. Orwell is also designed to be easy to extend. The language comes with a standard library that includes a range of useful functions, but it is also possible to add new functions and data types. This makes it possible to write programs that are tailored to specific needs. Overall, Orwell is a language that is designed to be easy to use, and to produce programs that are easy to understand. It is a good choice for people who want to write programs that are reliable and consistent.