

Volapük is a constructed language, created in 1879 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a German Catholic priest. It was designed to be an international language, one that would be easy to learn for speakers of various European languages. Volapük achieved some popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with estimates of its speakers reaching into the hundreds of thousands. However, it ultimately faded from use, in part due to the rise of Esperanto, another constructed language with similar goals. Today, Volapük is enjoying something of a renaissance, with a small but dedicated community of speakers and learners keeping the language alive. If you're interested in learning a truly unique language, Volapük may be just the thing for you.

Language group

Artificial languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Volapük, World, Latin
Volapük, World
Volapük, Latin