

Fijian, also known as iTaukei, is the language spoken by the indigenous people of Fiji. It is an Austronesian language, closely related to other Pacific Island languages such as Samoan and Tahitian. Fijian is the official language of Fiji, along with English. It is spoken by around 350,000 people, mainly in Fiji but also in other Pacific countries such as Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Fijian has three main dialects – Western, Central and Eastern. The Western dialect is the most commonly spoken, and is the basis for the standard written language. Fijian grammar is relatively simple, and there is no distinction between male and female speech. Words are often shortened, and vowel sounds are sometimes omitted. Fijian is a mainly oral language, with few written texts. However, there is a growing body of literature in the language, including children’s books, novels and poetry. The Fijian alphabet contains 14 letters, and is written in a Latin-based script. Loanwords from English and other languages are often spelled phonetically. Fijian culture is rich and diverse, and the language plays an important role in preserving traditions. For example, many proverbs and sayings are passed down through the generations in Fijian. The language is also an important part of Fiji’s tourist industry, with many hotels and resorts offering Fijian lessons to visitors. This gives visitors the opportunity to learn some useful phrases and experience the unique sound of the language.

Language group

Eastern Malayo-Polynesian languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Fijian, Fiji, Latin
Fijian, Latin
Fijian, Fiji