

Chibcha is a Native American language of Colombia and Panama. It is also known as Muysccubun, Muysca and Muyscayan. The Chibcha language family is part of the larger Macro-Chibchan language family. The Chibcha language is spoken by the Muisca and Chibcha people. The Muisca were the original inhabitants of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, the high plateau in the Eastern Ranges of the Colombian Andes. The Chibcha people are thought to have migrated to the region from Central America. The Chibcha language is an oral tradition and has no written form. It is a tonal language with two main dialects: Western Chibcha and Eastern Chibcha. The Chibcha language is currently endangered, with only a few hundred speakers remaining. However, there are efforts underway to revive the language, including language immersion programs in schools.

Language group

Chibchan languages

Language locales, regions and scripts
