Kom is a language spoken in the western part of Ivory Coast. It is a member of the Kru languages, and is most closely related to the Bete and Wobe languages. Kom has about 1.5 million speakers. The Kom language is written using the Latin alphabet. There is no standard orthography, but most Kom speakers are able to read and write in the language. Kom is a tonal language, with two basic tones: high and low. The tones are used to differentiate between words with the same spelling but different meanings. For example, the word màà (low-low) means "dog", while the word má (high-low) means "cat". Kom is a pro-drop language, which means that pronouns are not always used. For example, the sentence "I see a dog" can be translated as simply "See dog". Kom has a subject-verb-object word order. This means that the verb always comes after the subject and object. For example, the sentence "The dog bites the man" would be "Dog man bite". Kom has a rich oral tradition, and many Kom stories and folktales have been passed down through the generations. The most famous of these is the story of the "Komodo dragon", which tells the tale of a brave Komodo warrior who defeats a giant dragon. Kom is a vibrant and unique language that is an important part of Ivory Coast's culture. If you ever have the chance to visit Ivory Coast, be sure to try to learn a few phrases in Kom!

Language group

Atlantic-Congo languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Kom, Cameroon, Latin
Kom, Latin