

Yangben is a language spoken in southern China. It is a member of the Tibeto-Burman family of languages, and is closely related to Tibetan and Burmese. Yangben is spoken by around 1.5 million people, most of whom live in Yunnan province. The Yangben language has a complicated history. It was first spoken by the people of the Nanzhao kingdom, which existed in what is now Yunnan province from the 8th to the 10th centuries. Nanzhao was a powerful kingdom, and at its height controlled much of what is now Yunnan, as well as parts of Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The Nanzhao people spoke a language that was related to Tibetan, and this is the ancestor of the Yangben language. In the 10th century, the kingdom of Nanzhao was conquered by the Kingdom of Dali. The Dali people spoke a different language, but over time they adopted the language of Nanzhao, which became known as Yangben. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Yunnan was an important frontier province, and many Han Chinese migrants settled there. They brought with them the Chinese language, and this had a significant impact on Yangben. Many Yangben words were borrowed from Chinese, and the grammar and pronunciation of the language was also influenced by Chinese. Today, Yangben is spoken in a number of different dialects, which differ based on the region where they are spoken. The most common dialect is the one spoken in the city of Dali, which is the capital of Yunnan province. The Yangben language is not written, but there have been efforts to create a written form of the language using the Latin alphabet. This has been met with some success, but the written form of Yangben is not widely used.

Language group

Atlantic-Congo languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Yangben, Cameroon, Latin
Yangben, Cameroon
Yangben, Latin