Strand is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. It was created in the early 1990s by Dr. Mark S. Johnson at the University of Rochester. Strand is an object-oriented language with a focus on ease of use. It is similar to Smalltalk in syntax and semantics, but has a more traditional object-oriented model. Strand is used in a number of commercial and open-source projects, including the popular game engine Unity3D. It is also used in the development of the Ruby on Rails web application framework. The Strand programming language is known for its ease of use and its interpreted nature. Strand is a high-level language, meaning that it is abstracted from the details of the computer. This makes it easy to write programs in Strand. Strand is also an object-oriented language. This means that programs are made up of objects that interact with each other. The Strand programming language is similar to Smalltalk in syntax and semantics. Smalltalk is another object-oriented language. However, Strand has a more traditional object-oriented model. Strand is used in a number of different projects. The Unity3D game engine uses Strand. The Ruby on Rails web application framework is also written in Strand.