Simscript is a high-level programming language developed in the 1960s for use in simulation programming. It was originally designed for use in discrete-event simulation, but has since been used for a variety of other applications, including process simulation and network simulation. Simscript is a structured, imperative programming language with a syntax similar to that of the ALGOL programming language. It supports a number of features that are common in simulation programming languages, such as event scheduling and handling, resource allocation, and queueing. Simscript programs are typically written in a modular fashion, with each module representing a different entity in the system being simulated. This allows for the easy reuse of code and the development of large, complex simulations. Simscript has been used to develop a number of well-known simulations, such as the Apollo Guidance Computer simulation and the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX/VMS Operating System simulation.