Oberon is a programming language created in 1986 by Niklaus Wirth and Hanspeter Mössenböck at the ETH Zurich. It is an imperative, single assignment, and structured programming language. Oberon was designed to be a successor to the Pascal programming language, and to encourage good programming practices using a clean and simple language design. The programming environment was also designed to be simple and efficient, with a focus on code readability. The language has been used in a number of commercial and academic projects, including the development of the Oberon operating system. Oberon is a statically typed language, with strong type checking. This means that programs are checked for type errors before they are run, and that variables can only be used for values of the correct type. The language has a simple syntax, which is based on the structured programming paradigm. Programs are made up of modules, which are collections of procedures and functions. Modules can be imported from other modules, and procedures and functions can be called from other modules. This allows for a high degree of code reuse, and makes it easy to develop large programs. Oberon is a very efficient language, and programs can be compiled to run very quickly. The language has been designed for close integration with hardware, and has been used in a number of embedded systems. Oberon is a very portable language, and can be easily ported to new platforms. The language has been ported to a number of different architectures, including the ARM architecture. Oberon is a very flexible language, and allows for a high degree of user customization. The language can be extended with new modules, and new features can be added to existing modules. Oberon is a very reliable language, and programs written in Oberon are less likely to contain errors than programs written in other languages. The language has been used in a number of mission-critical applications, including air traffic control systems.