Datalog is a database query language created at Stanford University in the early 1970s. It is similar to SQL in that it can be used to query data stored in a database. However, Datalog has a number of features that make it more powerful than SQL. Datalog allows for recursive queries, which means that you can query data that is stored in a hierarchical structure. For example, you can query data stored in a tree structure. This is not possible with SQL. Datalog also has a number of built-in functions that make it easier to query data. For example, there are functions to calculate the average, maximum, and minimum of a set of numbers. Datalog is a declarative language, which means that you specify what you want to query, and the Datalog engine takes care of the details of how to query the data. This is in contrast to SQL, which is a procedural language. In SQL, you have to specify the steps needed to query the data. Datalog is a powerful database query language that has a number of features that make it more powerful than SQL. If you are looking for a language that is more powerful than SQL, then Datalog is worth considering.