Red is a multi-paradigm programming language created by Nicholas Winters. It is a compiled, statically typed, concurrent, garbage-collected language with an emphasis on speed and safety. It runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Red has its own virtual machine, which is used to compile and execute Red code. The Red virtual machine is designed to be fast, efficient, and portable. It has a Just-In-Time compiler that compiles Red code to native code for the target platform. Red is a statically typed language, which means that variables must be declared with their type before they can be used. Red is also a garbage-collected language, which means that memory is automatically managed by the Red virtual machine. Red is a concurrent language, which means that multiple threads of execution can run in parallel. Red supports message passing between threads, which allows for safe and efficient communication between threads. Red is designed to be a fast language. It has a number of features that are designed to make code run faster, such as inline caching and type inference. Red is also designed to be a safe language. It has a number of features that help to prevent errors, such as type checking and bounds checking. Red is an open source language, which means that anyone can contribute to the development of the language.