QuakeC is a programming language that was designed specifically for use with the video game Quake. It is a C-like language, with syntax that is similar to C, but with some additional features that make it more suitable for use in a game engine. QuakeC is used to create custom game content, such as new levels, characters, and gameplay mechanics. It can also be used to modify the behavior of the game engine itself. QuakeC was created by id Software, the developers of Quake. It was released to the public along with the source code of the Quake engine, so that anyone could create their own Quake mods. The Quake engine was later used as the basis for the popular Half-Life series of games, and the QuakeC programming language was carried over to that engine as well. QuakeC is not a particularly widely-used language, due to the specialized nature of its intended use. However, it is still in use by some modders and game developers, and has been used to create some popular mods and games.