OpenCL is a new standard for programming GPUs and other highly parallel processors. It is designed to give programmers more control over how data is processed in these devices, and to make code more portable between different types of processors. OpenCL has already been adopted by a number of companies, including Apple, AMD, IBM, and nVidia. It is also supported by a number of major programming languages, including C, C++, and Fortran. There are a few things that make OpenCL different from other GPU programming languages. First, it is designed to work with a wide range of processors, not just GPUs. This means that code written in OpenCL can be easily ported to other types of devices. Second, OpenCL gives programmers more control over how data is processed. In many GPU programming languages, data is processed in a linear fashion, meaning that it is processed from start to finish in a single thread. OpenCL, on the other hand, allows data to be processed in a more flexible way. This makes it easier to write code that can take advantage of the parallelism of GPUs. Finally, OpenCL is designed to be more efficient than other GPU programming languages. This is because it uses a more efficient memory model, and because it allows data to be processed in a more flexible way. Overall, OpenCL is a promising new standard for programming GPUs and other highly parallel processors. It is designed to be more portable and efficient than other GPU programming languages, and to give programmers more control over how data is processed.