JAL is a simple, high-level programming language designed for microcontrollers. It is intended to be easy to learn for beginners and easy to use for experienced programmers. JAL has a small set of keywords and a simple syntax. Programs written in JAL can be compiled to run on any microcontroller that supports the language. JAL was created by James T. Wilson in 2002. Wilson is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Michigan. He is also the creator of the popular programming language Forth. JAL is based on Forth, but with a few important differences. First, JAL is designed specifically for microcontrollers. This means that it has support for common microcontroller features such as interrupts, timers, and I/O ports. Second, JAL is a compiled language, meaning that programs must be compiled before they can be run on a microcontroller. This allows programs written in JAL to be more efficient and faster than programs written in interpreted languages such as Forth or BASIC. JAL is free and open source software. It is released under the GNU General Public License. This means that anyone is free to use, modify, and distribute JAL, as long as they do not violate the terms of the license. JAL is a great choice for anyone looking for a simple yet powerful programming language for microcontrollers. It is easy to learn, yet still provides the features and performance that more experienced programmers need.