Fjölnir is a statically typed, functional programming language with an efficient garbage collector, designed for concurrent programming. It has a simple and clean syntax with an emphasis on readability. Fjölnir is a young language, having only been around since 2016. Nevertheless, it has already gained a fair amount of popularity, particularly among those who are looking for an alternative to the more mainstream functional languages like Haskell and OCaml. One of the key features of Fjölnir is its support for concurrent programming. This is achieved through a combination of an efficient garbage collector and language features that make it easy to write safe, concurrent code. Another key feature of Fjölnir is its static type system. This ensures that programs are more reliable, and can catch errors at compile time rather than runtime. Overall, Fjölnir is a promising language that offers a fresh take on functional programming. It is still early days, but Fjölnir shows a lot of promise and is definitely worth keeping an eye on.