Erlang is a functional programming language designed for building concurrent, fault-tolerant, distributed systems. Erlang was developed by Ericsson in the 1980s and has been used in production systems at Ericsson, WhatsApp, and other companies. Erlang is a dynamically typed, garbage-collected language with a simple, yet powerful, concurrency model. Erlang programs are made up of processes that communicate with each other by passing messages. Processes are lightweight and can be created and destroyed dynamically. Erlang's message-passing model makes it easy to build concurrent, fault-tolerant systems. Erlang has excellent support for concurrency and distribution. It comes with a built-in distributed database, Mnesia, which makes it easy to distribute data across a cluster of nodes. Erlang also has a robust networking library, Inets, that makes it easy to build networked applications. Erlang is a great choice for building concurrent, fault-tolerant, distributed systems. It has a simple concurrency model that makes it easy to write correct concurrent programs. Erlang's message-passing model makes it easy to build concurrent, fault-tolerant systems. Erlang has excellent support for concurrency and distribution.