

The Rohingya language is a dialect of the Rakhine language spoken in Myanmar by the Rohingya people. It is written in a modified form of the Arabic script. Rohingya is one of the many languages spoken in Myanmar, and is one of the official languages of the country. Rohingya is also spoken in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. The Rohingya people are a Muslim minority group in Myanmar. Many Rohingya have fled Myanmar due to violence and persecution. The Rohingya language is not recognized as an official language by Myanmar's government. This has led to difficulties in education and employment for Rohingya people. The Rohingya language is similar to other Rakhine dialects, but has some unique features. For example, the Rohingya word for 'sun' is different from the Rakhine word for 'sun'. The Rohingya also have their own words for some Islamic concepts. The Rohingya language is in danger of disappearing. Many Rohingya people are not able to use their language in daily life. This is due to restrictions placed on the use of Rohingya by the Myanmar government. Rohingya people have been forced to use other languages, such as Burmese or English. The Rohingya language is an important part of Rohingya culture. The language is a link to the Rohingya people's history and identity. Rohingya people are working to keep their language alive.

Language group

Indic languages

Language locales, regions and scripts

Rohingya, Myanmar (Burma), Hanifi Rohingya
Rohingya, Myanmar (Burma), Arabic
Rohingya, Hanifi Rohingya
Rohingya, Arabic
Rohingya, Latin